By 7:21AM, my signs were out of almost every precinct (Frank Porter Graham/Scroggs were the last two I got after dropping E. at school) and off most of the roads. By 9:30AM, every sign I knew about (and I kept a log!) was safely retrieved.
If you have a sign or see a sign waving around out there, please send me an email or give me a call 932-1380 – I’d like to hang on to them.
Oh, why the quick pickup?
I said early on in my campaign, win or lose, my signs would not linger throughout our Town.
If there’s one discriminator the electorate takes away from this election, I hope they recall that I said it, then I did it.


Last Sign?
Will, I see you’ve got some of my signs in the pile – thanks for saving me some trouble and picking them up! I’m a bit surprised none of the other candidates took you up on your offer. I’m going to make a run this afternoon after class to see if I can snag up the rest of mine, and if I find a stray Raymond sign, I’ll gladly return the favor. Let me know when later this week would be a good time for me to stop by and pick up (exhange?) leftover signs – I want mine too!
Otherwise, thanks so much for everything you’ve brought to this campaign. I knew my victory would be a longshot from day one, but I was really counting on and hoping for yours. You stood for everything I did, Will, and had the experience to prove it. I hope that municipal networking will take off with your help on the tech board, and I hope the new council will take your zero-car-starting-point-for-Carolina-North and downtown amentities to the top of their list for 2006. It’s been a pleasure running with you Will, and I hope you stay in touch and involved!