The winds of change are blowing….
I’m working on a new version of my ‘blog, retitled Concerned Citizen, to better suit the new year. Within short order I’ll be posting some articles on last year’s election – including an analysis of campaign finances, my ideas on what to do to bootstrap Chapel Hill’s municipal networking initiative, comments on my new appointment to the Town’s Horace-William’s Citizen’s committee and other issues I’m concerned about…
Since the election
- the Town Council, the DPC and the Tech Board has inched forward with muni-networking
- the Town Council is discussing a town-wide economic development office (one of my platform planks)
- UNC has co-opted my campaign rhetoric on Carolina North, set aside current plans and called for a community-oriented rethink
- the Town Council agreed to let the Tech Board “experiment” with Internet-based reporting of our deliberations
Hey, it’s only been two months, more to come….