One person can start profound change in the world.
U.S. Rep. John Lewis of Georgia, a Democrat, told CNN Monday he watched the 1955-56 Montgomery drama unfold as a teenager and it inspired him to get active in the civil rights movement.
“It was so unbelievable that this woman — this one woman — had the courage to take a seat and refuse to get up and give it up to a white gentleman. By sitting down, she was standing up for all Americans,” he said.
Rosa Parks has died yet her legacy lives on.
A simple act of defiance – a non-violent straw to break the back of injustice.
Last night our Council defied the current federal status quo and endorsed the call for change.
A small, coincidental but fitting memorial to Ms. Parks.
Indeed, one person CAN start profound change in the world. The irony of the late, great Rosa Parks is that she did not orignially intend to spark a revolution that would one day lead to me posting commentary on this website…She never knew that 50 years later, her single defiant act and expression of self-worth would ring loud enough for the entire nation to hear and celebrate.
Indeed, that is the inherent beauty of taking a stand… that is the prize for being a spark that lights the wick of a candle which will eventually light the world…
Now, we must each ask ourselves what will we do to START and CONTINUE profound change in the world…
“Rosa Parks has died yet her legacy lives on.”
Andre’ J. Wesson
Chairman and CEO
Se7enth Swan Publishing Group, LLC
“We are a mass media production company dedicated to showcasing African, Hispanic, and Latino American cultures.”