SxSW Day 1.1.1 – Hey Raleigh, Remember the Drinking Water Fountains!

After reflecting on my experiences of the last couple days, Ruby Sinreich’s (local pol blog OrangePolitics) solid showing against the big boys, a fun time at Henry’s BlogAds party, I was all prepared to perform a major upgrade to my SxSWi calendar – to move to either Day 1.2 or even Day 2.0 (yes, I was that ebuillient).

But then I found the Austin Convention Center doesn’t have drinking water fountains – at least there’s none within a 200yd. radius of room 17AB.

Plenty of vending machines, no water!

Raleigh, how about creating a competitive advantage against centers like Austin’s and put hundreds of drinking fountains in for the $215+ million you’re dropping on the new convention center?

In honor of the Austin CC’s greedy behavior – today is Day 1.1.1 of SxSWi.

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