Not Everyone Walks Across the Crosswalk

Ellen, a small step in the right direction.

From the Liz at the Downtown Partnership

The Chapel Hill Public Works Department with assistance from White Oak Construction will be replacing handicap ramps at prominent downtown crosswalks in the following locations beginning on March 12:

* Franklin Street at Columbia Street
* Mid-block crosswalk at Porthole Alley and
* East Franklin at Henderson Street
* Entrance and exit for Parking Lot 3 in the 400 block of West Franklin Street

Replacement of existing handicap ramps is required for the Town to come into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Town plans to begin this project during the University’s spring break in anticipation of reduced traffic volumes downtown. In an effort to further minimize inconvenience to pedestrians, demolition work will be scheduled at night.

Concrete pours will take place before 8:00 a.m. whenever possible; however, a crosswalk undergoing ramp construction will be closed to allow concrete to cure. Consequently, pedestrians may be temporarily redirected to the next available street crossing. As part of the ramp replacement project, it may be necessary for space at the curb to be reserved for construction parking and staging.

During ramp construction at Parking Lot 3, the parking lot will remain accessible to vehicles. Pedestrians will be able to continue along the sidewalk on the south side of West Franklin Street with a minor detour around the work zone.

Weather permitting, the project may be completed before March 23, 2007.

Questions or concerns may be directed to Harold Harris at the Public Works Department, 612-9560.

Not everyone walks across the street, nice to see we’re working the issue.

Next stop Rosemary?

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