The Town Responds to Broun

Following on the steps of my previous post, Mayor Foy issued a formal response to UNC’s Ken Broun’s presentation about the new leadership advisory board on Carolina North.

Observing that the town has already formed a committee to discuss Carolina North, the Mayor and Council has referred UNC’s response to the 2004 HWCC report to the HWCC for further comment (my 1st meeting as a new member of the HWCC is Feb. 16th). Quick aside: I was the 1st person in Chapel Hill to volunteer for this new UNC committee.

Following up on the Broun presentation itself, Council made several notable comments and requests for information:

  • What tasks do you wish the committee to perform?
  • What outcomes do you expect?
  • How would the work produced be different than that of the HWCC?
  • Timeline: When would the committee be appointed? Start work? End work? [Mr. Broun’s a busy guy, where will he get the time?]
  • Is the proposed committee composition the final structure? Who’s already been appointed?
  • Is UNC committed to supporting a long-range transit plan?
  • Will UNC address the fiscal equity problem? When?
  • Will UNC consider the Town’s proposals for preserving open space and the environment?
  • Is there a definite plan for the Horace-Williams airport’s closure?

One question I would’ve added: How deep is the UNC Board of Trustee’s commitment to this new process?

Two other notable comments from the letter.

One, pointing out that “Mr. Broun had been assured, and strongly believed, that the University recognized the Town’s regulatory power”, did this mean that UNC “recognizes the legitimacy of the Town’s zoning power over Carolina North and does not intend to seek relief” from that authority?

Wow! The Council wants firm confirmation and so do I.

Two, the observation that the “speedy” 1 year negotiations over OI-4 were necessary to accommodate the influx of development on Main Campus spurred by the just passed Education Bond. No such pressure to rapidly move forward, on the Town’s part, exists now. Given that, the Town will still, as a sign of good faith address these requests in a timely fashion.

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