The DTH has just announced the UNC’s picks for the new Carolina North leadership advisory board:
The 14-member group includes:
– David King, deputy secretary of transit for the N.C. Department of Transportation;
– David T. McCoy, director of the N.C. State Budget Office;– Etta Pisano, professor in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering at UNC;
– Holden Thorp, professor and chairman of the University chemistry department;
– Douglas J. Crawford-Brown, UNC professor of environmental sciences and engineering and director of Carolina Environmental Program;– Lisa Stuckey, chairwoman of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education;
– Anita Badrock, vice president of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce;
– Delores Bailey, executive director of Empowerment Inc.;– Nancy Suttenfield, vice chancellor for finance and administration;
– Tony Waldrop, vice chancellor for research and economic development;
– Mark Crowell, associate vice chancellor for economic development and technology transfer;– Roger Perry, member of the Board of Trustees;
– Bob Winston, member of the Board of Trustees.
Two trustees, three academic representatives, two folks in State government, three vice chancellors, one Chamber of Commerce representative, a local affordable housing advocate and a member of the school board.
The article goes on to point out that Broun wants to start work in February. Considering the recent list of questions Chapel Hill’s Council has and both Carrboro’s and Orange County’s inactivity so far, it seems unlikely that the 8 citizen representatives won’t be selected (if at all) in time.
Lisa, Anita and Delores are both residents and represent organizations within our communities. Considering their dual identities, I’d tend to classify their interest as dominated more by their organizational affiliations than by their citizen’s, though I know each has expressed their personal views on Carolina North.