Technology Board: Raymond, Party of One.

Town IT lead Bob Avery and I constituted the sole attendance at tonight’s Technology Board swan song.

During the recently well-attended dissolution of the Horace-William’s Committee, the committee members wrangled out some excellent final advisory language for Council.

Tonight, the tech board was supposed to discuss and pass on 8 final recommendations/observations to Council. Most folks had already expressed their concerns about the “lame duckness” of our final efforts, but I thought we had a consensus on, as one member put it, “a way to wrap up things nice and neat.”

Maybe, as some suggested, it wasn’t worth the effort to advise, one last time, a Council that has generally failed to follow through on our recommendations they approved.

Maybe our Mayor’s recent dismissal of the importance of technology in the new town manager selection process doused the membership’s spirits.

Maybe it was just “board fatigue”.

While I don’t have a quorum to endorse those final thoughts, I’ll present them here for completeness when I get a copy.

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