Lot #5 Downtown Development RAM building design based on Nov. 20th public hearing proposal . The model is in proportion and the proper height. It wasn’t until I laid out the model that I realized how large a beast we have here…
Looking North towards Lot 5 Dec2
Lot 5 Hovering above Baptist Church Steeple Dec2
Lot 5 from Top of the Hill Dec2
Lot 5 Above Central Downtown Dec2
Lot 5 from Granville Towers Dec2
Look East towards Lot 5 Dec2
Lot5 from Above Dec2
Lot5 Looking East on Rosemary Dec2
Looking West towards Lot 5 Dec2
Lot5 from above Warehouse Apartments Dec2
Lot5 from Rosemary looking towards corner of Church & Franklin St. , Granville Towers Dec2
I never saw this post before you linked to it today on OP. Nice. How did you do it?
Google Earth and Sketchup + Autocad 3DS model provided by the Town + site plan for Lot #5 + drawings and a few hours of futzing around.
I had to model both the Lot #5 development and Granville Towers (they’re missing from the Town’s dataset).
I made a YouTube flyby:
The model to the NE of Downtown is RAM Development’s other luxury condo project – Hillsborough 425. I’ve provided a GoogleEarth model of that project here:
I’ve asked the Town to consider using this freely available tech to provide visualizations of this and other projects so that our citizens can better understand the impacts of our Council’s zoning/planning/approval decisions.
So far, nada.