May 4th, 2010 Primary: Go!

Interestingly, as the day ground on (I had plenty of pep, my feet not so much), the Library began to pull ahead of Binkley. At a little after 1pm Binkley’s 171 voters was surpassed by the Library’s (Estes Hills Precinct) 185.

When I left this evening at 6:30, the Library sat at around 350 or a combined early voting and election voting total of 422. A few more folks were trickling in as I left so it looks fairly certain we’ll break %19.

Great news for my home precinct, especially given the slow uptick during the early morning hours.

Continued to run into a number of neighbors, Exchange Pool folks and other friends and acquaintances.

As I was driving back to the Library from Binkley I heard Ben Gellman’s interview with Barry Jacobs about the apparently low turnout. Barry walked the fine line between chastising folks for not exercising their right to select their leadership and congratulating those that had.

Within minutes Barry and I were talking about possible outcomes based on a number of turnout scenarios. It’s always nice to talk with folks about the local process – Barry has a great perspective borne of experience.

Not much later ran into Joe Phelps who was upbeat as always. By this time I’d heard that turnout in the northern realms was running very strong – maybe as high as 2 to 1 compared to Chapel Hill/Carrboro so his confidence seemed well supported.

Joe and I had the pleasure of being lectured by a young man on the land transfer tax, the value of the Indy’s endorsements and other miscellanea. It was a bit exasperating since he contested the facts of the matter by repeatedly saying “that’s your opinion.” This was the only rough spot in overall pleasant day.

Today’s standout campaigner had to be 16 year-old Evan Lewis who shook off her early timidity and pitched right into stumping. By late afternoon she was putting us more experienced campaigners to shame. Holly, her mother, was a strong second.

My son showed up mid-afternoon to help – a fairly polished campaigner, he definitely gave Evan a run for her money.

Verla Insko finished the day snagging voters for Cal Cunningham. I had a great time talking policy and politics with her.

Jon DeHart, who is the newest member of the transportation advisory board, showed back up to fill in for Joe during the evening shift. We got a chance to talk about Community House, the emergency shelter, Chapel Hill’s Citizen Police Academy and other assorted Chapel Hill issues.

All in all a good day. Weather held. Turnout increased. Clarence’s support in Chapel Hill strengthening.

It’s 7:19pm, minutes before the polls close.

Right now, the outcome of the Sheriff and Commissioner races will turn on voter turnout. If north Orange did turnout 2 to 1 compared to Chapel Hill/Carrboro (presumably because the school and District 2 races), Joe Phelps should present a strong challenge to Barry. Barry’s prior support in Chapel Hill/Carrboro was expected to be weakened by Joal Broun’s run, how much is hard to tell. More interestingly, will it mean a run-off and is it Phelps/Jacobs, which seems likely given the reported turnout pattern or Jacobs/Broun?

Clarence’s support in Chapel Hill – based on the 5 precincts I went to – seemed good – good enough to make the difference especially if he carry’s Hillsborough and does well in the County with its reported high turnout.

Within minutes the results will flow in and we can start to see how it will play out.

Thank you voters, thank you campaigners, thank you candidates.

See you on the flip-side.

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