Tag: Campaign

  • Muni-network: No arm or leg required.

    Recently, in a local paper, someone tried to create some FUD (fear, uncertainy and doubt) around the proposal to boost Chapel Hill into the ranks of those municipalities that understand that an investment in their technological infrastructure is a required investment in their future.

  • OWASA Outreach

    In today’s mail:

  • Two Neighborhoods

    UPDATE: I spoke with some of the folk working at Aveda today and got a clearer picture of the situation. The manager was pleased that a police officer came by to ask about the problems and to clarify what the Town could do to protect our Downtown business folk. ORIGINAL POST: I work in downtown […]

  • Corralling the Community

    For those readers that can take a looong lunch or want to skip the Daily Tarheel forum Oct. 6th, UNC will be presenting their current Master plan for campus. Last May I had the opportunity to ask why they had quietly removed 3 residential halls from the plan and what that meant for the promise […]

  • You can’t say what?

    One of the incumbents in our campaign is very adept at dodging issues. While it is wise to take counsel, to study an issue and weigh alternative resolutions, at some point, as an elected official and leader, you must take a stand. Maybe it will upset your neighbors, maybe it will generate bad press, maybe […]

  • “Leather-seated SUVs”

    Is it true that effective conservation almost needs to become a reflexive act? I’m lucky I had adults in my life – my parents, my friend’s parents, relatives, neighbors – that internalized the lessons of economy and reflexive conservation. Maybe they were like my father, who hailed from a large family whose generosity never flagged […]

  • Life, the universe, everything…

    Wikipedia is an open source encyclopedia that represents a “public works” project of the first-order. Jimmy Wales, the founder of the effort, realized there’s a lot of smarts in the world community – all he needed to do was to tap into that creativity and talent and then step out of the way. In a […]