Tag Archives: self-advocate

March 28th: A Self-Advocate Path to Being Well, Feeling Fit

Carrboro’s self-advocate leader Ellen Perry told me that March 28th’s “Be Well! Feel Fit!” meeting would be a great introduction for those folks interested in positive, self-directed change.

Ellen is part of the “Self-Advocate Leadership Network”, a project under the auspices of the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI.org):

The Self-Advocate Leadership Network (SALN) is a team of self-advocates and their allies who will travel anywhere to prepare self-advocates to play a leadership role in shaping developmental disabilities systems to promote self-determination, community integration and participant-driven supports.

Who is a “self-advocate”? “A self-advocate is somebody who has a disability and speaks up for themselves.”

Be Well! Feel Fit! Peer Connections, A Way to Wellness

Healthy living is more than eating your spinach, carrots and Brussels sprouts!!!

Healthy living is about…

  • Doing things that make you happy – like swimming, art or cooking classes.
  • Being in good health – both physically and emotionally.
  • Learning how to be safe in intimate relationships.
  • Making new friends.

Who decides what what I do?

In the Be Fit! Feel Fit! program you decide what you want to do.
You can choose to lose weight, learn a new art or craft or learn how to be safe in a relationship – it’s up to you.

What does the Be Fit! Feel Fit! program do?

We try to match you up with resources in your community and support from your peers to help you achieve your health and wellness goal.

The meeting is at Carrboro’s Town Hall, 301 W. Main Street (MAP).

  • 5:00-7:30 pm for NEW members
  • 5:30-7:30 pm for existing members

For more information contact Ellen Perry ( 919-942-5602 ) or Danielle Doughman ( 919-962-4029 ),