Dang gum!

Wonder what those dark mystery splotches are downtown? Tired of dodging sticky detritus?

Good news:

…there’s nothing like a bit of cleaning to give downtown denizens a better feeling…

The crew from Gum Busters pulled into town in a white Dodge van full of equipment, intent on turning the splotches into ABC gum — Already Been Cleaned.

The town’s Public Works Department hired the Maryland-based company to remove the gum from high-traffic stretches of sidewalk along Franklin and Columbia streets at a cost of about $4,700. When the crew finishes in the next couple of days, Public Works will come back through to wash the sidewalks — kind of like a rinse after the soap cycle.

HeraldSun’s Rob Shapard

$4,700 seems quite reasonable. Now if we can just divert the $35-40K the Downtown Partner’s want to spend on holiday signs to downtown Wifi….

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