I really enjoyed Greensboro’s first ‘blog-con ConvergeSouth, an “unconference” that attracted quite a few interesting and/or notorious folks. Good conversation (no surprise as Anton “Mr. Sugar” points out that ‘bloggers are usually good conversationalist), good food and a chance to learn by interaction.
Tomorrow’s promises to be even better.

Elizabeth Edwards will keynote on “Building On-line Communities”. I imagine she’ll be talking about her just released book Saving Graces and her experiences ‘blogging on One America Committee‘s ‘blog.
Beyond that, there’s an interesting list of other “known” guests.
- Elizabeth Edwards of OneAmerica Committee
- Robert Scoble10 Ways to a Killer Blog
- Maryam Scoble – Maryamie
- Jim Rosenberg aka Mr. Sun
- Daniel Rubin – Philadelphia Inquirer
- Wendy Warren – Philadelphia Daily News
- Doug Fisher – South Carolina
- Lex Alexander The Greensboro Model
- John Robinson – Editor, News & Record
- Allen Johnson – N&R Editorial Page Editor
- Bill Wood – NC A&T Help Desk Manager
I plan to get some feedback from the news-oriented folk on how to break the perma-link mess our local ‘blog community has with the HeraldSun and News Observer.